5 min readJul 28, 2021

Have you ever feel like some businesses fail even though they have a good product and some would succeed without having a good product? The difference between those two is ultimately marketing. Marketing plays a major role in the success of a business whether it is a physical product or digital product. So everyone should know the Laws of marketing. This blog is useful for bloggers, professionals, freelancers, mentors, and entrepreneurs.

let’s start


Marketing starts before starting a product. It starts with the needs of the customer and then creating the product. Marketing is not just about selling. It is also about keeping an existing customer happy. Never let marketing become more important than the product. A great product always sells. Word of mouth marketing is the best channel of marketing.

Copywriting and sales are the components of marketing. Building a strong brand is also needed for the success of your product. Marketing is the most valuable investment in a business because it gives direct returns. The founder should know how to market his product.

Another important thing in marketing is having good communication skills. Good communication does not involve good vocabulary. you should convey your thoughts to the other person effectively.

Every entrepreneur should learn about global economics. A country’s economy goes up when the average age of the country goes up. The recession creates strong companies and drives out weak companies.

“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself. The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous”- Peter Drucker


Traditional marketing is what businesses using for years like billboards, radio, TV ads, Newspapers, etc. The disadvantage is in traditional marketing is it does not know whether its ads reached its target audience or not. But it still plays a major role even in this digital era as we have an emotional connection with some brands which play ads on television.

In digital marketing, we can directly reach the targeted audience through social media platforms and it is less expensive when compared to traditional marketing. Direct response marketing is used to get an instant response from the prospect. For example An ad in the newspaper with a phone number to call.An ad leading to a landing page with a lead form etc.


CATT stands for content, attention, trust, transaction.


n stands for Niche. your success depends on your niche.

How to select your Niche?

Create useful content that attracts people from your niche through blog posts, videos, live webinars, etc.

Drive Attention to your content using SEO, Social media, Paid ads, and referrals.

Build trust with your audience by marketing automation, retargeting, etc.

Convert your leads into customers with Natural sales methods.


Digital marketing involves email marketing, content marketing, SEO, Social media, Paid ads, Sell and conversion. None of the above should be neglected for a successful business. Each of the above has its individual importance.


A personal brand is always important because people trust a person rather than a brand. A personal brand becomes an influencer and a brand ambassador for the companies they run.

To become a personal brand, Learn a new skill through concepts, Facts, and procedures.

Put your newfound skills to work. Go from practice to implementation

Do blogging. Write about what you have learned and experienced through your work

Do consultation. Start consulting other businesses instead of working for them.

Mentor other who wants to become like you.

Start your own product or service business with the understanding that you have developed about the market the problem and your own skill.


The first steps are always difficult in life. Like earning first 1 crore also take so much of sweat and energy from you as well as in some cases it may happen immediately and for some it takes time.

As I have already mentioned in my previous article I want to start my career with a job. I am starting a Youtube channel and a website in a week or so. Both are going to help people who are struggling with financial Independence.

In this Digital Era earning is not a Big Deal and there are many opportunities out there but there is a gap between demand and supply due to the lack of skills.

Some people may not know the opportunities in the market and complain that there are no jobs. But it is not true . We have plenty of opportunities and My plan is to make them reach people and I am going to educate them on the different income sources which can be created by us.

I will be giving Quality content where from every video some people can gain the ability to land a job or start making money.

Freelancing is going to be a very big industry where there is a lot of scope to earn as much as you can. I will be teaching different skills required to start their career through freelancing.

Now from this, I will get a good subscribers base and they will have trust in me. Then I will launch an info product related to the required skill for freelancing or a job.

Suppose I have 100k subscribers and I will launch a product worth 1000 Rupees and easily 10000 people will buy it. which will be my first 1 crore.

You may think how can I am soo confident that I will get 100k subscribers. That is the power of my Niche.

All the confidence within me came after joining in Digital Deepak internship program and this article is part of my assignment. If you are interested you can go and check out the link

